44-inch Trout …on Top Water — November 12, 2008

Now that I have your attention: you’re going to have too read my report to learn more about it!!!! This past weekend we held our second all women’s retreat. WHAT A SUCCESS! That’s the only way I can describe the women and media folks we had present.

As tradition has dictated, we continue with the sand and grass pot holes pattern. Find pot holes in the grass beds and I dare you to throw top water in there!!!! Our go to baits are the standard red head-white body Spook Jrs., trout pattern skittle walks, and the old faithful Pink! We had numerous personal bests caught and some once in a life time events. Most of the fish were found in 1 to 2 ½ foot of water. Seems all of the Capts’ caught fish in their favorite spots whether just north or south of town. Nice to catch good fish within site of the water tower on a daily basis again!

Saturday started with a light front and those Capt.’s’ with floaters did not fair as well as waders but everyone still caught fish. With Sunday dawning overcast we knew it would level the field for the floaters as well as waders. Floaters as well as waders caught GOOD TROUT AND REDS most on top water.

Our most consistent Capt. as usual was Poppie (Capt. Ted.). Both days he had his ladies on all the reds and good trout they could stand. Best part was they were all on top water. Now Poppie may have set the standard with numbers but my Gal Billie set the standard…one I have yet to meet! 

I have caught a number of trout two at a time on the same top water but she topped any one I have ever seen. As we were making a drift across a shallow flat south of town she threw out a trout patterned skittle walk BOOM!!!! BIG BLOWUP. I immediately noticed it was a big trout but she was fighting funny. As we got it to the net it was obvious what was wrong. She had 26” trout on the back hook and an 18” on the front. ( 44” trout  ) See photo section. We got them both into the net and I snapped pictures as quickly as possible to get the 26” back into the water with the least amount of stress. All I can say is I have caught a number of doubles on top water but NEVER that large! How can you top that?

Watch our forum as we will be posting video from Cast-n-Shoot web site about this event. They shot over a 1 hour and 45 minutes of non stop top water action. Yes it was all women doing the catching and you guys don’t think they can fish.

For women interested we will be hosting an all women event each quarter next year. We will post final dates as soon as we can set the dates.