August 12, 2006 — It’s Summer and Nonstop Fishing!!!!!
I feel like a broken record, just PLAIN TOO TIRED TO SIT ON THE PUTER and write fishing reports. We’ve been fishing non stop since July 5th as I have promised we will try to get back on a regular posting schedule for reports. How do I report a month of non stop action?
Early July held its own with previous years in providing us world class red fishing and the start of what Capt. Brandon must feel is a dream. I’ll let him elaborate on what he and his guests have accomplished in the fly fishing record books for not only Texas but IGFA Records! Knowing this report is late at least it will be archived on our site for next year’s references. With the water falling out of the bay as usual the reds moved out to the first break and did their thing allowing us non stop top water action. Trout held as scheduled on the out side of the grass in 3 to 4 feet and provided GOOD action on small top waters and soft plastics.
Now to get into August we held our annual Shakespeare, Pflueger and All Star writer conference. Watch for some outstanding articles to come from this conference with photos of great catches. Michael Rickey National Sales Manager for Honda Marine topped everyone for big trout with a beautiful 28” plus sow weighing in at 7 ¾ #. After 3 unsuccessful attempts we are still 4 for 4 at getting Keith Warren an Airborne Assault by Kings. Seems he brings the wind with him every trip. We now have a plan where he will just show up on a 24 hour notice hopefully not bring the wind with him. Not all was lost we did get a show catching kings and a few sharks, just not an airborne assault. At this event we tested a new line of reels, watch for them this fall. All I can say is Pflueger has done it right and these products will take a BIG share of the market place.
Also I would like to thank Mr. Randy Blankinship TPWD. For attending and sharing with everyone what is happening regarding spotted sea trout in the Lower Laguna Madre. At this presentation he had more up to date data than was available at the first three scoping meetings, I’ll let him elaborate on it at the next months round of meetings.
Seems these meetings have stirred up a lot of strong opinions by everyone, MY TAKE! Everyone just sit back and look at the data. (Speaks for its self) As usual We have been singled out as the BAD GUYS WANTING TO FORCE OUR OPINIONS on everyone. This is not true; we are interested in assuring a solid fishery for the future. Lets all let TPWD do their job.
As far as the attack by Texas Fish and Game Magazine of me and my operation, after next months issue is published we will respond accordingly! I have had enough with being misquoted and innuendos by non professional so called journalists!
The first of August we hosted Cabela’s for an offshore show. We did get a few Kings airborne but one of the highlights was being on location when one of Capt. Brandon’s guests broke the King-Fish Fly Fishing record for Texas! GOOD STUFF!!! Also we were able to capture on film feeding my pet dolphin at the jetties. Please do not throw line and especially braided in the water, this dolphin has a mass of braided line hung on her tail. Sad to see it cutting her flipper. If all goes well we may get a chance to remove it as I have her tamed enough to take fish from my hand. See photo on web photo section.