August 14, 2005 — Wind, Reds, and Retirement
Everyday on the water is a great day. Fishing with new friends and watching a first fish caught on the fly and the largest trout someone has ever caught within twenty minutes of each other makes a very special day. We started the week off in our normal summer pattern; no wind and glassy weather conditions. However, Tuesday the seemingly psychotic Mother Nature decided we have not had enough 20 to 30 mile an hour winds for the year and decided to huff and puff and try to blow the house down. Since Tuesday, we have been treated to a long summer blow but clear water conditions and excellent fishing abound.
We hosted the boys from Sempra Trading for their annual fishing trip this year and man do these boys fish hard. Ahem! Let me clear my throat. I had the privilege of fishing all of their fly fisherman and had a wonderful time. The first day Wes and Ross fought the wind to land Wes's first trout on a fly and Ross landed his biggest trout to date. A beautiful lower Laguna Madre 27 inch sow that appeared to be a candidate for the Jenny Craig program. The beauty of Ross's trout is we took a number of pictures and measurements and to my delight he released the big girl back to the world and smiled as we watched her swim away. With two very wind blown smiles and a number of great shots to backing and tailing reds, we headed back to the dock around 12:30 to meet up with the rest of their group.
The second day I got to fish two south Texas boys, Tommy and Mark. Within ten minutes into our wade with tails everywhere, Mark hooked his first redfish on fly. Unfortunately, recently returning from Costa Rica and a number of sails, Mark decided to put his best back arch into his 24 inch red and with a running red and 10 pound tippet you can fill in the rest of the story. I caught a beautiful 27 and proceeded to put up the rod and help Tommy work on his cast for the rest of the day.
Redfish and good sized trout have been the norm for the last couple of weeks. A few bull Reds are starting to move in from the gulf and with lower than normal bay conditions, reds are beginning to pod up on shallow sand flats east and south of the Port with a number of large cruising schools interspersed. Trout are still holding on the second drops and are holding on the west bank nicely. Reds are readily taking tops and gold spoons as usual and you are nearly guaranteed a limit if you keep every day. Trout are still tempted by pumpkin and fire tiger patterns worked slowly over grass and along edges. Daylight until 9 on windless mornings have produced a great top water bite but turns off as quickly as it turns on. The larger trout we have witnessed being caught and RELEASED are being taken in waist to knee deep water.
Expect normal summer patterns to return after the winds abate and for the summer to fall pattern changes to start in the next couple of weeks. We will be in the water everyday for the next ten days and I will be in the San Antonio for Garrett Gill's San Antonio Fishing and Hunting Fiesta. So, if you are in the River City please stop by and say hello.
On a sadder note, Captain Bob Fuston, Red Bandana Charters, is hanging up the old bandana and fishing for pure enjoyment now. After an illustrious career spanning over 25 years and the creation of the Mansfield Mauler, Captain Bob says he is done. A close family friend; we wish Captain Bob fair winds and tailing seas.