August 5, 2002 — Field Testing, T.V. Shows and Good Friends

Get-A-Way Adventures Lodge hosted the filming crew from Midwest Outdoors, along with the Shakespeare and Pflueger Staff and a number of outdoor writers. As the fish gods shined on us all involved experienced the Lower Laguna Madre at its finest as well as the Gulf of Mexico. 

The first day filming for Midwest Outdoors we targeted flounder.  As we have had one of the best flounder fisheries in years it was a given we would target them for the show. Good old Red and White was the color of choice, we would use a super slow retrieve. 

After getting the Show as we call it “IN THE CAN” we targeted trout and reds. With numerous trout in the upper 20 “ size caught and released it was nice to show case what a great fishery the Lower Laguna Madre has to offer. If the anglers will keep the smaller trout and release the mid 20’ and up we will have fishery for our grand kids.

Not to be out done Capt. Frank gave the writers a lesson in snapper fishing none will be soon to forget. All the writers and T.V. crew were dumb founded being able to target great snapper and kings within the site of the beach.