December 3, 2004 — It’s Time

With the onset of our cool fronts the fish are making the transition to wintertime areas. With our transition look for the trout to turn on and stage along shorelines that have immediate access to deeper water. The fish are currently holding on the backsides of small points on the down wind side. This pattern is one I rely on most during this time. When I say small point, it can be a three-inch rinse from the surrounding areas. A key point make sure you fish the DOWN WIND SIDE thoroughly. The fish with be schooled tightly. If the weather continues to stay cool look for them to move on solid mud bottoms near the ICW and the back bays with immediate drop offs into deeper water.

I will start my BIG TOP WATER plugging now. Full size Super Spooks or Mirror Lure He-Dogs, Chartreuse with black head for overcast days and bone on clear days. Remember SLOW and Slower. One important note always have a follow up lure with you if that trout of a lifetime takes a whack at your top water and misses. By this I mean always have a slow faller corky or catch 2000 to do a follow up cast to that shy big one.

The reds continue to hold in the back bays with enough water to get to them. Spoons and soft plastics are working well.

Another real highpoint last month was our filming a redfish segment with Cabelas Outdoors Journal. These guys take the time and effort to produce an outstanding product. Look for this to air early 2005. I think you will be surprised at this show.