Effective Topwater Techniques

I am a topwater aficionado.  Aficionado, one of the most commonly misused words in our eclectic lexicon, actually means one that is passionate about an object—not necessarily an expert.  I pre-qualify my passion with the simple admission I know less about fishing topwaters today than I did a couple of decades ago when my dad introduced them to me.  Fish have a great way of making guides look like a genius one day and a blathering amateur the next.  So, why you ask am I writing an article about something I am not an expert using?  Because I am addicted and through a twenty-five year love/hate relationship with topwaters I think I have witnessed it all, bay and offshore.  [url=http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/2863298/effective_saltwater_topwater_techniques.html?cat=14]Read The Rest Here[/url]