February 7 , 2005 — COLD WEATHER STAY AWAY !!

Capt. Ted “ Poppy” Springer of (Get-A-Way Adventures Lodge) fished 7 Feb. 2005. He caught a number of slot reds and above average trout. Fishing along the west bank has been our most productive area. Baring any COLD weather look for the trout to stay on this bank and start looking for Big Sows to make their move to the sand and gravel pockets in the grass. Fish are holding in 3 foot and less on soft bottoms with deep water close by.  Top waters in bone or chartreuse have been the best producers lately. Catch 2000 in chrome and chartreuse has worked as well.

Do not get discouraged throw that BIG TOP WATER all day, you will not catch as many trout but the bites you get will be heart stoppers!!!!!