In making its determination, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Coastal Fisheries Division used the best available scientific information including samples collected by using trawls, bag seines, and information gathered from the shrimping industry.
“Brown shrimp stocks have been very widely distributed this year with some areas of high population levels,” said Larry McKinney, Ph.D., TPWD coastal fisheries division director. “Shrimp are still moving to the Gulf from the bays, but there should be good catches available by July 15.”
The purpose of the closed Gulf season is to protect brown shrimp during their major period of emigration from the bays to the Gulf of Mexico until they reach a larger, more valuable size before harvest and to prevent waste caused by the discarding of smaller individuals.
Federal waters (from 9 to 200 nautical miles offshore) will open at the same time that state waters will open. The National Marine Fisheries Service chose to adopt rules compatible with those adopted by Texas.
– Texas Saltwater Fishing Guide