I SURVIVED – January 20, 2010
After fighting the crud for 10 days then 10 days of Boat Shows, I’m back on the water for a few days before the San Antonio Boat Show. Sorry for not posting a report sooner just not a lot of computer time.
Luckily we dodged the BIG BULLET with the last freeze event. Just have to get through the next month and hopefully we will be safe from a Killer Freeze!
Our fishing has been excellent with Capt. Ted, Charles and Pete taking up the slack for my being such a whimp!!!!
Last week we got a real trophy for a visiting guest from Osage Beach Mo. 30 ¼ but weighed a whopping 11# even. Verified on two different Bogas”. Later the same week we had a nice 27” plus and numerous large trout and plenty on Salt Water Grass Carp. (redfish)
We continue to use Catch 2000’s fished DEAD SLOW! The last few days we have had a warming trend and look for the Big Momma’s to reposition some. May have to move around to relocate them but they should not have moved more than 50 to 100 yards.
I am closing out Duck Season Friday through Sunday with fishing in the afternoon. I hope to post another more complete first hand report next week before I leave for San Antonio Boat Show. Check out the S.A. Show seminars we will be working along with other guides from the coast doing a round table discussion about how we each work our respective bay systems. Should be some real interesting discussions. Link: http://www.sanantonioboatshow.com/
Watch for a number of new [b]Dargel Boats[/b] to show up in the next few months, more about this later.
Remember keep the small ones and let the LARGE BROOD FISH go make more babies.