July 4, 2005 — Reality
After a week of what one could only describe as world class we were dealt a dose of Reality. Coupled with returning high winds and the forth of July crowds our fishing tanked compared to the past few weeks. We took our annual Fourth of July family break and had family down for a relaxing weekend. Momma Getaway definitely needed the break after three months of nonstop guests. Capt. Brandon did take the family fishing a couple of days but to no avail. Fishing could only be called poor! But a shining fact is today we are on the water and at day break was greeted with CALM Winds. Look out it should start back up. On a high note, Capt. Frank took his family offshore one-day and proved his snapper fishing qualities cannot be matched.
With July, we look for our water to continue to fall out and our outstanding red fishing to continue. If past history is correct, look for them in 1 to 3 feet of water along the grass edges. Small top waters and spoons will be the bait of choice. We hope our outstanding trout fishing will fire back up with lesser winds and reduced traffic. Watch for next weeks report to see if the fish gods responded.
One foot note with offshore shrimp season starting this month LOOKOUT it should be as good as any previous year. With our early King Fish turn-on look for the best fishing we have seen in a number of years. We will be back on the water nonstop starting the 6th so if you have any questions before we publish next weeks report feel free to e-mail us.