March 15, 2001 — It’s Getting Hot in Here

Capt. Bruce Shuler ( Get-A-Way Adventures Lodge) Capt. Ted Springer ( Get-A-Way Adventures Lodge) Capt. Mel Talasek ( Matagorda) and Capt. Bink Grimes ( Outdoor Writer) took a Businessman’s Holiday and fished 14 March 2001.

Fishing is starting to heat up with our water temp. moving into the 70’s. Red fish are on the sand and hitting top waters and soft plastics. The larger trout we caught were on T.D. jrs. Over the sand pockets in 2’ to 3’ of water, late in the day the fish moved very shallow and were feeding. Before the rainstorm ran us off the bay we boxed 9 reds from 22” to 27 ½” on top waters in 1’ to 2.5’ of water. With the trout getting ready to spawn we only kept 6 for dinner. The average trout caught were in the 18” to 22” size. We did catch a number in the mid and upper 20” size, but no trophies. With the new moon coming our larger trout will start to show up. Getting past this COLD winter without a killer freeze we should have one of the best years in a long time. All the guides in Port Mansfield are getting excited.

Special note: Capt. Ted Springer had a party out this week with Mr. Bob Morris of Austin catching a Hugh Black Drum. 40 plus inches long, after a 45-minute battle on light tackle Bob was able to boat the fish for a few photos, and a quick release. (Look for them on our web site soon)

For those anglers fishing without a guide I suggest TD.jrs in bone and chartreuse fished in 2 to 3.5 feet of water over the sand pockets. The fish we caught were shattered from the Saucer to East Cut. The reds were on the sand and grass break line in 1 to 2 feet of water.