Moments — September 15, 2009

There are few moments in your life that are earth shattering and transcend your belief system and self to a higher level of conscienceness.  It may be a life altering illness, the loss of a close loved one, a well-timed thank you note, or the look in your child's eye.  Better yet, it may not be a look through your child's eye, but a change in the eyes and heart of the child.  My dad, Captain Bruce, has always been involved, even during the times it seemed his life may have been falling apart around him or his involvement was not necessarily invited.  I think I only played one baseball or football season that he was not the head coach when I was a child.  He'd pack me up on hunting trips and fishing trips always allowing me to do it myself, but with an expert eye and sometimes unwanted advice. 

As I've grown older and now have a kid of my own, I'm seeing the softer side of dad.  I'm seeing the softer side of myself that still needs coaching and 'expert' advice; although still, it's not always wanted, but at least now it's welcomed.  To watch dad hold Parker in all his insecurities as a father and grandfather displayed, I realize he's doing what he has always done: making life and the world around him all about the kids.  Guide trip after guide trip, I see this.  While the younger guides and me are out trying to catch numbers and size, Dad is treating his clients to an experience.  Effectively, if your under 60 years of age, you're a kid on his playground, and instead of being a bully, he is welcoming you and turning you on to the things that he has tried for decades to instill in me: fish for fun, protect your resource, always place people ahead of yourself until their ego or misbehavior warrants redirection, and always make it about the generation behind you.

The recent Getaway Adventures Lodge and Texas Flats Fishing Kids Fish brought this all home to me.  To make matters worse, or more tear-jerking may be the best response, an email we received on the Getaway Adventures Lodge's contact us page made me realize exactly why he's doing this and why he has taught me to be the man and to stand up for the things I believe in.  I'll share it with you now.  No fishing report per se this week; just read the email and think about it.

ContactName: Noemi xxxxxxxx
Email: xxxxxxxxxxx
Phone: 956-xxxxxxxxxxxx
R1: Cell
B1: Contact Getaway Adventures Lodge
Date: Saturday September 05, 2009
Time: 08:42:55 PM -0500
Bruce and Shirley, Thank you so much for sponsoring the Kids Tournament. Noah had the pleasure of riding along with Bill from I have to say that my son walked away from this experience a different child. Unfortunately, I was working and didn't get to see the precious smile on his face. Bill is an amazing man and has left a lasting impression on Noah. I had been praying for God to send a man that my son could look up to and admire. He has had little to no positive guidance from any male figure, and he has never met his father although he knows who he is and has spoken to him. I have the misfortune of having been a single mom for most of his little life. You are truly guardian angels, and I am forever in your debt for giving him this unbelievebly awesome day. God worked through all of you today. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

As dad finishes all his emails and posts,

Take a Kid Fishing