November 29, 2006 — “Hunting! Cool Weather and BIG TROUT”

Well we start hunting Friday, I just hope I can stay awake in the blinds just haven’t caught up with rest since hard push fishing this month. This month as usual has been a transitional time with fronts about every week. Before and after the fronts our trout have been cooperative and putting on their fall feed. They too feel winter approaching. Looks like we will get a REAL BLAST Thursday and this should be the front that puts them in the winter time patterns. We have been catching some really nice trout of late. Jimmy Weaver out of Austin was the first one to break our 30” mark recently. Fishing in about 2 and a half foot of water he caught a 30” plus on a Riverside curly tail. The fish was in excess of 7 pounds, DUMB CAPT. Forgot to bring his BOGA Grip. I feel fish was pushing 8 plus due to the girt. Jimmy took a picture and released her to fight again. (Picture on photo Page) You bet he is getting a Replica, very special fish. This fish is just one of the best we have caught recently, we have had a number 28” plus. Glad to say we have been lucky and not lost any.

With this front we will be starting our quest for BIG TROUT; hopefully it will be as good as last year winter. Patterns we will be staying with will be dark bottoms with drains to deep water close. Top waters and corkeys will be our baits of choice. Light colors on clear days, dark on cloudy days. I will be fishing a lot up north in the rocks and back areas. Remember these fish are old and will stage in areas most people avoid and would never think they would be in. ONE WORD- SLOWWW Presentation!

Reds: well what can you say: If you fish for them They will COME!!!!! Our reds have been on a good bite. Small top waters and gold spoons have been our go to bait. Warmer days they are all over the upper flats. Good site casting for those who want to chase them.

Offshore!!! The kid (Capt. Brandon) has been tearing up the offshore fish on Whippy Sticks (Fly Rods) Last week he and a crew had 9 large black fins and numerous other species. Seems the Jacks have invaded the cut but deeper has held the really good species. He is going offshore everyday the seas will allow.

Remember with our big fish time on us Please take a picture and get a Replica in lieu of a skin. We need to keep as many Big trout as we can. PRAY WE DON’T GET A BIG FREEZE THIS YEAR! Our fishery is in a fragile state at this time.