Photo Validity!!!!!!!!!!!! Good Questions!!!
Response to an email sent to us doubting the validity of this past winters trophy trout catches. Thanks for the heads up, I feel your e-mail was actually quite on time. If you get down here feel free to stop by!
Oh! By the way, I.P.Addresses are easy to track the user’s name. I will answer your questions in order as presented in your e-mail.
1. First: You will not be banded from our forum, the questions you asked were done in a very professional manner, and not presented in a childish or derogatory manner, and you have given me the opportunity to answer what many people ask!!!
2. Why don’t we post our reports and photos as other guides do on the many fishing related forums? Those that know me, Capt. Ted Springer, Capt. Dan Coley, Capt. Steven DeVries, Capt. Ray Rankin and Capt. Brandon know we have a collective time fishing the L.L.M. in excess of 100 years and still understand the meaning of the word HUMBLE! If folks are truly interested in our catches they will visit our web site, sign up for our reports or better yet spend a couple of days on the water with us.
3. Internet cheerleading and boasting is not what we feel is a method of marketing we want to pursue! There are enough people to fill in for the lack of our reports on these various fishing sites. I do feel many of these internet fishing sites can be a good source of information as well as the information we post on our site.
4. Pictures made of the same fish with multiply people? Capt. Brandon is preparing a Trophy Trout page for our catches this year; I will ask him to post the anglers first names with their photos. Actually I think this is something we should do from now on and will put a stop to questions about photo validity.
5. Sad thing because a large percentage of our business is Corp. Entertainment many look at us as a tourist type guide service. Don’t be mislead we have a very large number of HARD CORE ANGLERS who fish with us for that Trout of a life time. Maybe IF we posted our larger trout photos on other than our site we might increase that number but OH WELL!! Dad always said “Son humility is the sign of a true person’s character” I miss his words of wisdom everyday.
Summary: I trust this answered your questions and please continue to post on our forum, no ill feelings on our part about your questions and comments!!
Good Fishing
Capt. Bruce W. Shuler