Playing Catch-Up — March 10, 2009
Sorry for this late report but we have been in Houston for the Holder Show. I enjoyed seeing old friends and making new ones. Don’t despair Capt. Ted and the gang continued on during my absence.
First I need to catch up on my guys with 4 F. BOY WHAT A BLOW OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They did not let us down but the weather sure didn’t help. Everyone was able to scratch out a few fish on Sat. But Sunday I called IT! That was one of the very few times I have called due to weather. I just did not feel right taking their money knowing the day could be a wash out. They still managed to catch some nice fish but not what they are capable of doing.
Capt. Ted had better weather Monday on and the fish responded. Rusty and Mike fishing with poppy released 8 over 25” for their efforts. At one time they had a double on sixes at the same time. GOOD STUFF! Rusty came by the show Thursday after he returned and is ready to rebook, they fish Port O’Conner most times and have just never caught fish like we have and were hooked on the LLM. Only if the rest of the coast would look down south and see what 5 fish limit has provided us!!!!!!!!
Poppy continues Red Head White body catch 2000 and dark top waters cloudy days and lighter ones clear days. The fish continue to hold 2 ½ to 3 feet. If the wind isn’t howling you can wade for them, but once the wind cranks up its WATER over the top and in your waders.
I’ll catch up with a more complete report in the next few days.