Capt.  Brandon

I happen to be the super carp geek.  As I live in the middle of far west Texas and my fishing spots are limited. I have had great success with crawfish patterns and a custom pheasant tail pattern I have developed.  When fishing in super calm conditions I use the pheasant tail.  If you have got 5-10 mph wind or stained/murky water I use black patterns such as stonefly nymphs or when they are really feeding 2-3 inch steelhead leeches.  The old faithful wooly bugger in olive or black also produce.  I love carp fishing.  I use a 3wt and am consistantly catching 8-10 pounders.  My largest to date carp has been measured at 38.5 inches I was not able to weigh the fish.  If you tie your own flies use natural materials and before presenting the fly to a carp rub it in the mud.  I have yet to catch a redfish but this is the best practice I think I could do.  I will be in PM and try to catch my first red on the fly.
