Re: Official Word on East Cut Dredging

🙂 This is great news and that is not an unrealistic amount of money to raise.  We just need some good ideas on rocks to turn over and possibly a couple of fundraisers (tournaments, BBQ’s, and etc).  Maybe a bumper sticker program like the cops have with the 100 club. Something  like  the “PM East Cut  Association” with $100, $500, and so on window or bumper stickers.  Even something like the CCCA membership program.  If we had something like that, we could more easily hit up south Texas businesses.  Especially sporting goods, boat dealers and etc.  Maybe a big billboard on the way into town with the names of $500 plus donations from individuals and businesses…..????????  I don’t know!

Anyway, what about access to offshore this summer for medium sized (21′ – 28′) outboard powered boats?  Is it any worse than last summer?  ???