September 25, 2006 — “Let the shooting begin”

You could define Friday’s wing shooting as a Patriot Missile Defense firing. Friday’s opener found us with not enough birds (Grounded) and wing shooting at birds with a 35 MPH tail wind!!!!! Granted a few birds were downed but the problem with the birds staying on the ground with the high winds and TUFFFFF!!!! Shots made our day lackluster to say the least. But alas Sat. found us on another of our fields and the birds did cooperate somewhat. With the winds down a little our guys did manage to ground a number of birds. Granted the rounds fired did not equal the number of birds harvested. If so we would have been over limit. Final count of rounds fired was just shy of 7 cases!!!! When your refreshment empty can count exceeds your rounds fired you know the action is not to the max!

Sat. morning’s fishing was as bad as Fridays shoot. 35MPH winds made fishing tuff as well. Most boats caught fish but not to the level we had been the days preceding the GALE. We did have 2 larger trout caught and released, and a number of half shells went home. Its time for the bay to light up and when we get a break from these high winds it will be back to world class topwatering!!!!

No need to report on Sunday’s action as a massive lighting storm and rain shut everyone down. We have a few week day Cast and Blast dates available for smaller limited numbers, but no weekends left. Also I still have 4 hunts left for 140 Class bucks, if interested give me a call.

Please if your time allows attend one of the five Trout meets to be held this week along the coast. Our future depends on being Proactive for our fishery NOW!