Texas Saltwater Fishing ReportGALVESTON — Fishing here should be just about right for some terrific drift and wade fishing according to Capt. Pat Murray. “The south shoreline of East Bay has everything trophy speckled trout need to thrive. They’re close to several reefs and the influx of water from the bayou mouths gives this area a constant supply of food and moving water.” Murray also says that if you want to consistantly catch fish in this area you need to get out of the boat and wade. “East bay is a waders dream come true. On a good high tide fish will cruise the flats feeding on schools of mullet. A big topwater plug, Murray continues, is the bait that will draw the most strikes.” With higher summer temperatures being the norm, plenty of East Bay’s speckled trout will be holding on the Mid-bay reefs. Old favorites such as Hannah’s, Deep, and Lost reefs should be excellent this month. One word of warning about these areas. They can resemble boat parking lots when the fish are really turned on. Be sure to approach cautiously and take your place in line so as not to cause any trouble for yourself or another angler. Texas Saltwater Fishing ReportGALVESTON OFFSHORE — Capt. Jim Leavelle says, “Last year at this time we had some pretty rough winds to contend with, but when we were able to “get out” we used icefish, big shad or sand trout for bait. And caught more tarpon than in any given year in the past.” Jim also said, “Even when we can’t locate the tarpon, which is rare, There are plenty of other fish such as kingfish and sharks to keep anglers more than busy and after all, isn’t that what’s important.” Leavelle says one of the areas fishermen should concentrate their efforts for tarpon is about 7 miles outside San Luis Pass. Traditionally tarpon cruise through this region during their annual migration and fishermen in the know will be waiting for their chance to land one of the true silver kings of the gulf. In other offshore action, fishermen can still expect to bring home limits of red snapper from the many rigs and wrecks out of Galveston. Also, For those so inclined, big amberjack should be hanging off the rigs waiting to play havoc with some unsuspecting angler trying to take advantage of the excellent red snapper action. MATAGORDA — The flats of East Matagorda are an excellent place for summertime speckled trout. But July, from Matagorda on down the coast, the emphasis should be on redfish. And don’t you worry, Matgorda has plenty of these tough gamefish to go around. One of the favorite techniques of Matagorda regulars for tangling with local reds is free lining a live mullet. The best results are often found along the intracoastal waterway or during overcast cooler days along the shoreline flats. This time of year there is also excellent wading for the fisherman who knows his way around the shallow waters of East Matagorda Bay. Topwater lures such as Cordell broken-backs and Jumpin’ Minnows will draw strikes from both redfish and trophy sized speckled trout. PORT O’CONNOR — Considered by many anglers as the spot where the upper coast becomes the middle coast, Port O’Connor has the grass flats and clear water that die-hard speckled trout fishermen love. Broken-back lures, soft plastic shad tails, and of course live shrimp and baitfish will all produce fish during July. And if you want to cash in on some fantastic redfish and speckled trout action try this underutilized, but excellent portion of the Texas coast.

– Texas Saltwater Fishing Guide