Wade fishing and water temperature
Hello Everyone! How's the fishing?
I went wade fishing in Port Mansfield north of Fred Stone park on June 5, 2009. Got in the water at about 6:15 am. The water was calm as was the wind. Almost glass type conditions. I hit my first fish on a she -dog about a quarter mile into my wade, a solid 20″ trout in about 3 1/2 foot of water at about 8 am. waded another 1/4 mile except in about four feet. Bottom was hard sand then soft sand then grass. Started hiting big trout at this point about 930am. A couple of 22″, 23″ and 24″. i ended up wading farther in and came up to an area that was about thigh deep (I'm 5'7″). Here all we caught was a bunch of dinks.Saw a couple of reds, no strikes. Water was warm all around in this area. I'm thinking this shallow area is the west most end of the community bar. What do you think? So far this has been my best day trout fishing. There was three in my group. We brought home 11 trout. Smallest was 20″ largest was a 24″. Lure color of the day was Red/Glitter and white tail. Everything from hogie minnows, shrimp tout tails to Brown lures devil eye in this color was hitting. Three from my limit came on topwater. Everybody would have had there limit but we lost a few (forgot my dipnet). What I noticed when we caught these fish was that the water temperature varied. From the chest down to about calf deep was warm water. Below the calf was cool water. I'm thinking that these bigger trout were keeping cool in this water column. What do you all think? Can anybody shed some light on this or provide some info? Have any of you experienced this? I'm not new to wadefishing, but this is the first time I have noticed such a transition in water temperature. Went back on June 18th, water was mixed, windy, conditions for wading this area were not the best. Caught a couple of trout, but no keepers. We didn't stay long due to the conditions. Planning on going on the 26th of this month. I'll post later.
Thats it for now. Until then “Fish till You puke” :DRichard