Weekend Madness — May 25, 2009

So you thought I was going to complain about boat traffic: no way: it’s about what I consider one of the best weekends I can remember for TOP WATER TROUT!!!!! Even though it was Memorial Weekend, the traffic was not a problem. Seemed everyone was respectful of others. Very little pot licking going on.

We had an all couples weekend and what a hoot, only problem is as they left they all told their Hubbies: Momma Getaway instructed them on how to MISTREAT THEM and get away with it! SORRY GUYS! I warned you about exposing your brides to Momma Getaway and what she could teach them! We had some ladies not fishing, who remained behind for Mean Momma training. All joking aside we had a great time and a lot of good natured picking on each other.

Now about the fishing!!!! All I can say is: it has been some of the BEST top water action I can remember in a long time. Everyone to the man and woman all could not get over catching and releasing 20 or more keepers in a day on top waters. I’m not talking about 15” to 17” fish but good 19” to 24” fish. I was actually unhooking a nice 22” trout when Jerry and Sonny said: we have caught enough today, let’s go in! Looking at my watch: 12:30 PM I said WHAT!!!!! They both said they had caught enough fish. Boy I could have fished till dark! We were consistently catching 19” to 22” fish non stop, but they were done, so like a WHUPPED PUP  I headed in. I’m off tomorrow so guess what? I want some more of that!!!!

We did catch a couple of outstanding trout: Sonny released his personal best 29”, John and wife both released two 25” plus, Doc’s husband released a 26” and Chris had a 25” on the money, released.  All these fish were either full of eggs or had just spawned.

Our wind fans have stopped and the bay has responded in a cleaning we have not seen in years. With the jetties open and no wind you can see down 3 to 5 feet all over the bay. With that being said: WHAT A TOP WATER BITE WE HAVE!!!

Colors: as I have always preached with the clear water, light colors. You can’t fish them wrong, fast or slow they will just BLAST THEM! Poppy and Mitch had waders and as last week, they got in the skinny water and just whacked the reds on small top waters. One foot is TOO DEEP! These reds are getting a sun burn there are so shallow.
I’m headed offshore this week so I’ll let you Tarpon Guys know if it’s ready. Can’t Wait.
Please note on our forum: Conservation Section: I have wrote a little comment about our Bay. Please feel free to comment.
Remember keep what you can eat and release those 22” and above trout so we can enjoy this action for the years to come.