Well as I write this report we have a north wind blowing between 30 and 40 MPH. Come on cold weather! Our water has jumped between 72 and 60 degrees the last few days and the fish have sensed, time to get fat for the winter time. Our trout fishing has responded well to the lowering of water temp. And we look for the fishing to only get better.
I just posted a bunch of new photos showing the quality we are catching. This just may be the year we match 2008 with numerous 30” and 10 pound fish being caught. Our fishery has just improved more and more the last 4 years and everyone can’t wait for the water to get colder. Look for some really BIG TROUT pictures the next 3 months.
Our trophy guys are booked and calling daily for up dates. All I can say its time to fish everyday no matter what the conditions. If you want weekend dates I would suggest you call soon as weekends are filling up quick. If you can take off at any time and would like to be put on our short term call list for open dates while the fish are turned on, send me an e-mail and I’ll call when they are really on.
Trout have slowly started their move to winter time haunts and are getting easier to pattern. Once the water temp. Gets down they will be holding in the same old places we have caught them before.
Find sand and grass bed mixtures with deeper water close by with an addition of mullet and the trout will be there. Top waters and suspending baits are working best. On very windy days we are going to plastic. But me and all the Getaway boys prefer top waters and suspenders when targeting big trout.
Colors have been redhead white body, Chartreuses, bone and silver along with trout pattern top waters.
For those salt water grass carp guys, YES we are also catching plenty of reds, with some being REAL BRUTS. Also what can I say about the flounder we’re catching, BUT: WOW! The changes to the regs 3 years ago and 2 cold winters have our flounder fishery the best we have seen in years.
All I can say is I’ll try to keep you up dated and watch for more pictures.
Also FINALLY our ducks have arrived. We start duck hunting next week with chasing big trout in the afternoon. Lots of work but well wirth the rewards.
Short note on red tide, we were lucky the bulk of the damage was on the beach front with very little damage to the bay. Should not be an impact.
Please remember keep the little ones and release the big ones to past on their genes. The little ones taste better.
Water Temp: 74